When writing an informative essay, which of the following would you include to help your audience see what other people have said about your topic? (1 point) Responses multiple facts multiple facts an example an example a hook a hook a quote

a quote

To help your audience see what other people have said about your topic in an informative essay, you would include a quote.

When writing an informative essay, including a quote would be an effective way to help your audience see what other people have said about your topic. By using a quote, you provide a direct statement or opinion from a reliable source that supports or adds credibility to your claims.

To find a suitable quote, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the main points or arguments related to your topic.
2. Conduct research to find reputable sources that discuss or analyze your topic. These sources can include books, scholarly articles, interviews, documentaries, or well-respected websites.
3. Read through these sources and highlight any relevant quotes that provide valuable insights or opinions on your topic. Ensure that the quotes are from reliable and authoritative sources.
4. Select the most impactful quote that aligns with the main points you want to present in your essay.
5. Introduce the quote in your essay by providing the name and credentials of the author (if available) and briefly explain their significance in relation to the topic.
6. Include the quote within quotation marks, attributing it to the author.
7. After the quote, analyze or interpret its significance and explain how it supports your thesis or the main argument of your essay.
8. Finally, provide a proper citation for the quote in the appropriate format (such as APA or MLA) at the end of your essay.

Remember to always use quotes sparingly and make sure they are directly relevant and supportive of your ideas. Additionally, ensure that you properly credit and cite the sources to avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity.