Summarize the following article in your own words, in 1-2 sentences.

Early Years
It's believed that Julius Caesar was born in Rome on July 12 or 13, 100 B.C. His family claimed to be descendants of the Trojan Prince Aeneas, who escaped the destruction of Troy, according to legend. Although they were Roman aristocrats, they were far from rich. When Caesar was 16 his father, Gaius Caesar, died, but he remained close to his mother, Aurelia. The Rome of Caesar's youth was unstable. The republic had no faith in its nobility and seemed unable to handle its considerable size and influence.

A Skilled Politician
Caesar built a political alliance with Crassus, a Roman general and politician who was called the wealthiest man in Roman history, and Pompey.
Caesar became governor of Gaul, which is present-day France and Belgium. As he conquered more territory, he showed his ruthlessness to his enemies.

Father Of His Country
Caesar eventually went to war against Pompey, chasing him into Egypt, where he was killed. After returning to Rome, Caesar was made dictator for life and hailed as the Father of his Country. He served just a year before his assassination, but in that short period, Caesar transformed Rome. He increased the size of the Senate and opened it up so that it better represented all Romans. He changed the Roman calendar and reorganized the local government, granted citizenship to several foreigners, and invited some of his defeated rivals to join him in the government, which would be his downfall.

Although Caesar's reforms were popular with Rome's lower- and middle-class citizens, the Senate was another matter. Several politicians thought he wanted to be king. Caesar was assassinated on March 15, 44 B.C.

This article states that Julius Caesar was born in Rome in 100 B.C. to a family claiming descent from the Trojan Prince Aeneas. Caesar formed a political alliance with Crassus and Pompey, and eventually became governor of Gaul. He made significant reforms during his time as dictator for life, but was assassinated by members of the Senate who believed he wanted to be king.