
Prehistoric cave paintings suggest that early humans:
(1 point)
believed they were gods
had a profound appreciation for the beauty of the world around them
had little artistic ability
used an early form of written language to record the glories of the hunt

B) The most likely answer is (2) had a profound appreciation for the beauty of the world around them. Prehistoric cave paintings often depict animals, hunting scenes, and natural landscapes, suggesting that early humans were fascinated by and appreciated the world they lived in. While it is possible that they may have believed in the supernatural or spiritual significance of these paintings, there is no direct evidence to suggest that they believed they were gods. Additionally, the question does not provide any information to support the ideas that they had little artistic ability or used an early form of written language.

what the answer

The answer is (2) had a profound appreciation for the beauty of the world around them.


Why was the Cave of Lascaux closed to the public in 1963?
(1 point)
The floor of the cave was becoming eroded.
Colonies of algae and a calcite veil were developing on the cave walls.
Visitors were inadvertently smudging artwork.
Both A and B.

The answer is (3) Visitors were inadvertently smudging artwork.


Today's movie rides, virtual realities, and electronic images have which the following in common with ancient cave paintings.
(1 point)
They both are extensions of humans' innate ability to form picture narratives in dreams.
They both are an expression of our desire to escape into a landscape of our imagination.
They both demonstrate a need to create imitations of our own world.
All of the above.

The answer is (4) All of the above. Today's movie rides, virtual realities, electronic images, and ancient cave paintings all share similarities in terms of being extensions of humans' innate ability to form picture narratives in dreams, expressing a desire to escape into a landscape of imagination, and demonstrating a need to create imitations of our own world.


In prehistoric art, female goddesses often symbolized ___________________.
(1 point)
a harvest of plenty
fertility (human reproduction)
Earth Mother
All of the above.

The answer is (4) All of the above. In prehistoric art, female goddesses were often associated with a harvest of plenty, fertility (human reproduction), and represented as an Earth Mother.

To answer this question, we must analyze the information given in the statement. The statement mentions "prehistoric cave paintings" and provides four options about what these cave paintings suggest about early humans. Let's break down each option and see if it aligns with the given information:

1. Believed they were gods: There is no clear indication in the statement about early humans believing they were gods based on the cave paintings. Therefore, this option may not be correct.

2. Had a profound appreciation for the beauty of the world around them: The cave paintings can be seen as a form of artistic expression, suggesting that early humans had an appreciation for the beauty around them. This option seems plausible.

3. Had little artistic ability: If cave paintings were created by early humans, it indicates that they possessed some artistic ability. Therefore, this option is unlikely to be correct.

4. Used an early form of written language to record the glories of the hunt: The statement does not mention anything about early humans using an early form of written language. This option does not align with the given information.

Based on the analysis, option B - "had a profound appreciation for the beauty of the world around them" seems to be the most plausible answer according to the information provided.