What is 7cs of communication

The 7Cs of communication is a framework that outlines the key factors to consider when delivering effective communication. It helps ensure that the message is clear, concise, coherent, complete, concrete, courteous, and correct. The 7Cs are:

1. Clarity: The message should be easily understood by the recipient. Use simple and straightforward language, avoid jargon or overcomplicated terms.

2. Conciseness: Communicate your message using as few words as possible, without losing its meaning. Avoid unnecessary information or repetitions.

3. Coherence: The message should be well-organized and logical. Ensure that the information flows smoothly and coherently.

4. Completeness: Provide all the necessary information for the message to be fully understood. Cover all relevant points or details that the recipient needs to know.

5. Concrete: Use specific and tangible language to make your message more relatable and understandable. Avoid vague or abstract terms.

6. Courtesy: Communicate with respect and consideration for the recipient. Choose your words carefully, be polite, and avoid any offensive or inappropriate language.

7. Correctness: Ensure that your message is accurate and free of grammatical or spelling errors. Double-check the facts and proofread your communication before sending it.

By applying these 7Cs, individuals can enhance the effectiveness of their communication and minimize any potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations.