In the book Code Of Honor

Which text evidence best supports WHY Kamran's mom and dad didn't want to listen to his idea about Darius sending messages?

A. “Kamran, I seriously doubt Darius is sending you secret messages… I think what he had to say was pretty clear” (Gratz 46).

B. “The phone rang. Again. Dad picked it up,and I saw a glimmer of hope pass across his face as he said hello” (Gratz 46).

C. “I don’t know,” Mom said. The light turned green and she gunned the car, throwing me back against the seat” (Gratz 13).

D. "This is all bad enough as it is, Kamran," Dad said gently. "Don't make it harder on your mother. On all of us. Not now” (Gratz 46).

The best text evidence that supports why Kamran's mom and dad didn't want to listen to his idea about Darius sending messages is option D. "This is all bad enough as it is, Kamran," Dad said gently. "Don't make it harder on your mother. On all of us. Not now” (Gratz 46).