Step 3: One at a time, click on the Caption button (Picture Tools Format tab | Picture Styles group) and apply the Offset - Layout 2 caption style to each picture. Use the captions, Sequoia, Great Basin, Mesa Verde, Arches, and Saguaro. Center each caption in publisher

To apply the Offset caption style to each picture and center the captions in Publisher, follow these steps:

1. Open your Publisher document and go to the page with the pictures.
2. Click on the first picture.
3. In the Picture Tools Format tab, go to the Picture Styles group.
4. Click on the Caption button, which has a Tt icon.
5. In the Caption drop-down menu, scroll down and select "Offset - Layout 2" style.
6. Immediately after applying the style, you'll notice a yellow text box with the word "Caption" on it appearing below the picture.
7. Click inside the caption text box and type "Sequoia".
8. To center the caption, you can use the following steps:
- Click on the caption text box to select it.
- In the Home tab, go to the Paragraph group.
- Click on the Center button (usually represented by a series of centered lines).
This will ensure the caption is centered horizontally within the text box.
9. Repeat these steps for each picture, applying the Offset - Layout 2 caption style and entering the corresponding captions: Great Basin, Mesa Verde, Arches, and Saguaro.

By following these steps, you should be able to apply the offset caption style and center the captions for each picture in Microsoft Publisher.