A major course theme has been how evolving technologies and desire for new products fostered increased trade connections between global peoples. In an essay supported by evidence and specific examples drawn from across the course time-frame, select what you think are at least five of the most transformational products, commodities, or technologies of the post 1200

CE that have significantly altered global history. In what ways did they promote global connection and development, ignite transformational revolutions, or even foment colonialism and exploitation? Do you judge your selections as having had mainly a positive impact or have there been unintended negative consequences? How have they impacted or affected your life or lifestyle today?

One of the most transformative products of the post-1200 CE time-frame is gunpowder. Gunpowder, initially invented in China between the 9th and 11th centuries, had a profound impact on global history. It spread to the Islamic world in the 13th century and then to Europe via the Mongol invasions and the Crusades.

Gunpowder revolutionized warfare, leading to the development of firearms such as muskets and cannons. This technology played a crucial role in the expansion of empires and colonialism. For example, European powers, armed with superior firepower, were able to conquer territories across the globe and establish colonies. Gunpowder also played a significant role in the rise of the Ottoman Empire, as their armies used firearms to expand their territories in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

While gunpowder was instrumental in shaping global history, it had unintended negative consequences as well. The widespread use of firearms led to devastating wars and increased violence. It also played a role in the oppression and exploitation of indigenous populations as Europeans used firearms to subjugate and conquer Native American, African, and Asian peoples.

Another transformative technology of the post-1200 CE era is the printing press. Invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century, the printing press revolutionized the dissemination of knowledge and information. It allowed for the mass production of books, leading to a democratization of education and a spread of ideas.

The printing press had a profound impact on the Protestant Reformation, spearheaded by Martin Luther. Luther's ideas spread rapidly due to printed pamphlets and books, leading to a religious revolution that challenged the authority of the Catholic Church. This, in turn, led to political and societal changes across Europe.

The printing press also played a significant role in the age of exploration and colonialism. Printed maps and navigational manuals facilitated voyages of exploration, leading to the discovery of new lands and the establishment of trade routes. The spread of printed literature also fueled the growth of literacy and the development of vernacular languages.

While the printing press had positive impacts on education and the spread of knowledge, it also led to unintended consequences. Standardized printing and the widespread distribution of texts enabled the propagation of propaganda and misinformation. It also contributed to cultural assimilation and the erosion of indigenous languages and traditions.

The third transformative product of the post-1200 CE era is the steam engine. Invented in the late 18th century, the steam engine revolutionized transportation, manufacturing, and industry. The steam engine powered the first locomotives, leading to the expansion of railways and the revolution of long-distance travel and trade.

The steam engine also had a significant impact on industry. It enabled the mechanization of textile production and the development of factories. This, in turn, led to urbanization and the growth of industrial cities.

The steam engine had extensive implications for colonialism and exploitation. The industrial revolution, fueled by steam power, drove Europeans to colonize resource-rich regions such as Africa and Asia to fuel their factories. This resulted in the exploitation and oppression of native populations.

The fourth transformative product is the internet. Developed in the late 20th century, the internet has revolutionized communication and connected people across the globe. It has transformed the way information is accessed, shared, and disseminated, leading to a globalized world.

The internet has promoted global connection and development by facilitating instant communication and collaboration. It has accelerated the exchange of ideas, the growth of businesses, and the expansion of global trade. It has also allowed for the rapid spread of social and political movements.

However, the internet has also had unintended negative consequences. It has created a digital divide, leaving many marginalized communities without access to information and opportunities. It has also fueled issues such as cybercrime, misinformation, and invasion of privacy.

Finally, smartphones must be considered as one of the most transformational products of the post-1200 CE era. The development of smartphones in the late 20th century has revolutionized communication, access to information, and everyday life.

Smartphones have promoted global connection by enabling instant and constant communication, breaking down geographical barriers. They have also facilitated the growth of social media platforms, allowing people to connect and share their lives across borders.

However, smartphones have also had negative consequences. They have contributed to addiction, social isolation, and loss of privacy. They have also perpetuated consumerism and environmental issues, given their constant need for updating and disposal.

In conclusion, gunpowder, the printing press, the steam engine, the internet, and smartphones are five transformative products of the post-1200 CE era that have significantly altered global history. While they have promoted global connection and development, ignited transformational revolutions, and enabled the establishment of colonial empires, they have also had unintended negative consequences. How these technologies impact individual lives or lifestyles today may vary, as they can both enhance connectivity and knowledge while also contributing to social issues and inequalities.