Which of these technologies was a cultural development in ancient Egypt?(1 point)


A. domed buildings

B. the arch bridge

C. hygiene products

D. the number zero


The cultural development in ancient Egypt among the given options is C. hygiene products.

To determine which of these technologies was a cultural development in ancient Egypt, we can try to understand the historical context and consulting reliable sources such as books, articles, or reputable educational websites. The answer can likely be found by researching ancient Egyptian culture and technological advancements during that time period. Let's take a closer look at each option:

A. Domed buildings: Ancient Egyptian architecture predominantly consisted of massive stone structures such as pyramids and temples, characterized by straight lines and flat roofs. The use of domed structures was not a prominent feature in their architectural style. From this, we can conclude that domed buildings were not a cultural development in ancient Egypt.

B. The arch bridge: The arch bridge, which utilizes a curved structure for spanning gaps, is an architectural feature that was widely used by ancient Romans. However, it is not commonly associated with ancient Egyptian culture. Therefore, the arch bridge was not a cultural development in ancient Egypt.

C. Hygiene products: Ancient Egyptians valued cleanliness and personal hygiene. They developed a variety of hygiene products, including perfumes, oils, and cosmetics. Consequently, hygiene products were indeed a cultural development in ancient Egypt.

D. The number zero: The concept of zero as a numerical digit did not exist in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians had a numeral system that used hieroglyphic symbols to represent numbers, but they did not have a symbol for zero. Therefore, the number zero was not a cultural development in ancient Egypt.

In conclusion, the correct answer is C. hygiene products, as this was a cultural development in ancient Egypt.

C. hygiene products