A major course theme has been how evolving technologies and desire for new products fostered increased trade connections between global peoples. In an essay supported by evidence and specific examples drawn from across the course time-frame, select what you think are at least five of the most transformational products, commodities, or technologies that have significantly altered global history. In what ways did they promote global connection and development, ignite transformational revolutions, or even foment colonialism and exploitation? Do you judge your selections as having had mainly a positive impact or have there been unintended negative consequences? How have they impacted or affected your life or lifestyle today?

There have been numerous transformational products, commodities, and technologies throughout history that have significantly impacted global history by promoting connections, development, igniting revolutions, and even fomenting colonialism and exploitation. In this essay, I will argue that five of the most transformational items are firearms, the steam engine, the printing press, the internet, and the smartphone.

Firearms, specifically muskets and rifles, revolutionized warfare and played a crucial role in shaping global history. These weapons provided military advantage to European powers, leading to their increased colonial expansion. The desire to acquire colonies for resources and to establish trade routes was fueled by the advancements in firearms technology. However, this also led to the exploitation and subjugation of indigenous populations in those colonies. While firearms allowed for the expansion of empires, they also meant enormous loss of life, destruction, and suffering, making its impact a mixed bag of positive and negative consequences.

The steam engine, invented in the late 18th century, transformed transportation and manufacturing. It enabled the construction of trains and steamships, allowing goods and people to be transported faster and over longer distances. This revolutionized the global trade system, connecting different cultures and fostering economic development. However, the steam engine also played a significant role in the Industrial Revolution, which had unintended negative consequences. The mass production and factory system led to poor working conditions, exploitation of laborers, and environmental degradation. The positive impact of the steam engine on global development is undeniable but it came at great cost.

The printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, enabled the mass production of books and information dissemination. This had a profound impact on education, knowledge-sharing, and the spread of ideas. It played a pivotal role in the Reformation by allowing Martin Luther's ideas to spread, challenging the religious monopoly of the Catholic Church. The printing press also facilitated the spread of scientific knowledge, paving the way for the Enlightenment era and the Scientific Revolution. While the printing press promoted global connections and the democratization of knowledge, it also contributed to the consolidation of power and the spread of propaganda. Overall, its positive impact on global development outweighs its negative consequences.

The internet, a product of the late 20th century, has transformed the world into a global village. It has revolutionized communication, allowing instant connectivity between people from all corners of the globe. The internet has facilitated the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and cultures, breaking down geographical barriers and fostering global connections. However, it has also resulted in privacy concerns, cybercrime, and misinformation proliferation. The overall positive impacts of the internet are evident in promoting global development and connectivity, but its unintended negative consequences require continual regulation and vigilance.

Lastly, the smartphone has become an indispensable part of modern life. It combines various technologies such as telecommunication, internet access, and multimedia capabilities in one portable device. The smartphone has revolutionized communication, allowing people to be constantly connected and providing access to vast amounts of information. It has transformed various industries, including commerce, entertainment, and social media. However, it has also raised concerns about addiction, privacy invasion, and the digital divide. Although the smartphone has greatly enhanced our lives, its negative consequences suggest the need for responsible usage and regulation.

In conclusion, firearms, the steam engine, the printing press, the internet, and the smartphone have all played significant roles in altering global history. While they have promoted global connections, development, ignited revolutions, and fostered colonization, they have also had unintended negative consequences. Despite the negative aspects, the overall impact of these transformational products and technologies has been positive, as they have promoted global development, connected people across the world, and transformed various aspects of our modern lives.