What is the order of the human sexual response, according to Masters and Johnson?

true or false

True. According to Masters and Johnson, the order of the human sexual response is as follows:

1. Excitement phase: This is the initial stage of sexual response, characterized by increased heart rate, muscle tension, and blood flow to the genital area. This phase is accompanied by arousal and desire.

2. Plateau phase: In this stage, sexual arousal continues to increase, and individuals may experience increased muscle tension, vasocongestion, and further enlargement of the genitals.

3. phase: The peak of sexual response, characterized by rhythmic contractions in the genital muscles and a release of sexual tension. This phase is accompanied by intense pleasure and may result in ejaculation in males.

4. Resolution phase: Following , the body gradually returns to its pre-aroused state, and there is a decrease in arousal and muscle tension. This phase may include feelings of relaxation and a refractory period in males, during which further arousal or is inhibited.