2. Identify one fixed mindset statement you made or thought earlier in the semester that you would like to change. Note: It might be helpful to review the material you looked at from our first module on Growth Mindset.

-Why do you want to change this statement?

- How can you take steps to change this fixed mindset to a growth mindset?

One fixed mindset statement I made earlier in the semester is "I'm just not good at math." I want to change this statement because it limits my belief in my own abilities and creates a barrier towards improvement and growth in this subject. I understand that having a growth mindset can contribute to embracing challenges, persevering through obstacles, and ultimately achieving success.

To change this fixed mindset to a growth mindset, I can take several steps:

1. Recognize the power of yet: Instead of thinking "I'm not good at math," I can add the word "yet" at the end. This simple addition shifts my perspective and acknowledges that I may not be good at math currently, but with effort and dedication, I can improve.

2. Embrace challenges: Rather than avoiding math problems or giving up easily when faced with difficulties, I can actively seek out challenging math tasks. By challenging myself, I am expanding my skills and pushing beyond my comfort zone.

3. Adopt a positive self-talk: Instead of engaging in negative self-talk and reinforcing my fixed mindset, I will consciously replace it with positive affirmations. For example, I can remind myself that it's okay to make mistakes because they are opportunities for learning and growth.

4. Utilize resources and seek support: I will take advantage of the available resources, such as textbooks, online tutorials, or seeking help from a math tutor or teacher. Seeking support and guidance demonstrates a willingness to learn and improve.

5. Set achievable goals: I will set specific and achievable goals in math, focusing on small milestones rather than overwhelming myself with unrealistic expectations. Celebrating these successes will help reinforce my growth mindset.

By actively implementing these steps, I can shift my fixed mindset statement of "I'm just not good at math" to a growth mindset that embraces challenges, sees mistakes as opportunities, and believes in the potential for improvement and growth.