“No one knows for sure when humans began to use symbolic behavior or thought”.

Which statement from “Emergence of Modern Thought” best supports the author’s statement?
Emergence of Modern Thought

The South African beads were made from the shells of the small snail Nassarius kraussianu.

“Beads are tangible evidence of a concept of self.”

This theory is derived from the idea that decorating oneself with beads is thought to be an expression of self-image.

“I don’t think the case has been clearly made yet that these are beads.”

this website is dog water

so write teacher "ill be happy to check ur answer" well wheres your comeback response you say ill check you answer but is it righ or not like wtf

right answer “I don’t think the case has been clearly made yet that these are beads.” just got it right

is it “I don’t think the case has been clearly made yet that these are beads.”

what is the answer?

The statement from "Emergence of Modern Thought" that best supports the author's statement is: "Beads are tangible evidence of a concept of self."

This statement supports the author's statement that no one knows for sure when humans began to use symbolic behavior or thought because it suggests that the use of beads as a form of decoration indicates a level of cognitive development and self-awareness. However, since the author is using the word "tangible evidence," it implies that there is still uncertainty and that further research is needed to make a definitive conclusion.

I'll be happy to check your answer.