Where can you get rental insurance?

You can get rental insurance from various sources including:

1. Insurance companies: Most major insurance companies offer rental insurance as part of their property or renter's insurance policies.
2. Independent insurance agents: Independent agents represent multiple insurance companies and can help you find the best rental insurance policy based on your needs.
3. Online insurance marketplaces: Websites and apps like Policygenius and Lemonade allow you to compare rental insurance quotes from multiple insurance providers.
4. Landlord or property management company: Some landlords may offer rental insurance options or have partnerships with insurance companies to provide coverage to their tenants.
5. Credit card companies: Some credit cards offer rental insurance as a benefit when you use the card to pay for the rental transaction.
6. Renters' associations or groups: If you belong to a renters' association or group, they may have partnerships with insurance providers to offer discounted rental insurance to members.

It is essential to research and compare different options to find the best rental insurance policy for your specific circumstances.