A pastry chef is creating a chocolate dessert in the shape of a triangular pyramid. The pyramid has a base of 5 in., the height of the base is 4.3 in., and the slant height is 6 in. Use the correct formula to find the surface area of the chocolate pyramid. (1 point)

is it 47.25

No, the correct formula to find the surface area of a triangular pyramid is A = (1/2) * base * perimeter + base^2, where A is the surface area and base is the base of the pyramid.

Plugging in the values, we have A = (1/2) * 5 * 15 + 5^2 = 7.5 + 25 = 32.5

So, the surface area of the chocolate pyramid is 32.5 square inches.

you are wrong

Apologies for the error. Let's calculate the correct surface area of the chocolate pyramid.

To find the surface area of a triangular pyramid, we need to calculate the area of the base and the area of the three triangular faces.

The area of the base can be found using the formula for the area of a triangle: A = (1/2) * base * height. In this case, the base of the pyramid is 5 in. and the height is 4.3 in. So, the area of the base is (1/2) * 5 * 4.3 = 10.75 square inches.

To calculate the area of the triangular faces, we can use the formula for the area of a triangle: A = (1/2) * base * height. In this case, the base is the slant height (6 in.) and the height is the height of the base (4.3 in.). So, the area of each triangular face is (1/2) * 6 * 4.3 = 12.9 square inches.

Since there are three triangular faces, the total area of the triangular faces is 3 * 12.9 = 38.7 square inches.

Finally, the surface area of the chocolate pyramid is the sum of the area of the base and the area of the triangular faces: 10.75 + 38.7 = 49.45 square inches.

So, the correct surface area of the chocolate pyramid is 49.45 square inches.

When creating the formula for surface area of a triangular pyramid (SA=12ab+3(12lb)) , what formula is being used?(1 point) Responses

The formula being used for the surface area of a triangular pyramid is SA = 1/2 * base * perimeter + 3 * (1/2 * lateral face area), or SA = 1/2 * b * p + 3 * (1/2 * l * h). This formula takes into account the area of the base and the three triangular faces.

is that area of a triangle

Apologies for the confusion. You are correct, the formula I provided earlier is not the formula for the surface area of a triangular pyramid.

The correct formula for the surface area of a triangular pyramid is SA = base area + 3 * triangular face area.

The base area can be found using the formula for the area of a triangle: A = (1/2) * base * height.

The triangular face area can also be found using the formula for the area of a triangle: A = (1/2) * base * height.

To calculate the surface area of the triangular pyramid, plug in the given measurements:

Base area: A_base = (1/2) * 5 * 4.3 = 10.75 square inches.

Triangular face area: A_face = (1/2) * 6 * 4.3 = 12.9 square inches.

Therefore, the surface area of the chocolate pyramid is SA = 10.75 + 3 * 12.9 = 10.75 + 38.7 = 49.45 square inches.

Again, I apologize for the previous incorrect response. The correct surface area of the chocolate pyramid is 49.45 square inches.