a traveling carnival visits 3 cities in 3 weeks. the accountant reports the carnival sold an average of 1200 tickets. city a reported 1100 tickets sold, city b reported 1000 tickets sold, and city c reported 950 tickets sold. find the percent error. round to the nearest whole number.

To calculate the percent error, we need to find the difference between the average and the reported sales, divide it by the average, and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

First, let's find the difference between the average and the reported sales:

For city A: 1100 tickets - 1200 tickets = -100 tickets
For city B: 1000 tickets - 1200 tickets = -200 tickets
For city C: 950 tickets - 1200 tickets = -250 tickets

Now, let's calculate the total difference:
Total difference = (-100) + (-200) + (-250) = -550 tickets

Divide the total difference by the average:
-550 tickets / 1200 tickets = -0.4583

Multiply this by 100 to get the percentage:
-0.4583 * 100 = -45.83

Rounding to the nearest whole number:
-45.83 ≈ -46

Therefore, the percent error is approximately -46%.