Trina is on 120 mile four-day bike ride on the first day. She travels 24 miles. She would like to travel equal amounts over the remaining three days. How far will she travel on each of those three days right and solve an equation of the foreign PX plus Q equals are.

To find out how far Trina will travel on each of the remaining three days, we need to first determine the total distance she has to cover in those three days.

If Trina is on a 120-mile bike ride and she travels 24 miles on the first day, then the remaining distance she has to cover is 120 - 24 = <<120-24=96>>96 miles.
Since she wants to travel equal amounts over the remaining three days, we divide the remaining distance by 3: 96 / 3 = <<96/3=32>>32 miles.
Therefore, Trina will travel 32 miles on each of the remaining three days.