Trina is on 120 mile for a day bike ride on the first day. She travels 24 miles. She would like to travel equal about over the remaining three days. How far will she travel on each of those three days right solid equation of the form, Px+q=r. Then Write sent it to explain your answer

Let's assume that Trina will travel x miles on each of the remaining three days. To find the value of x, we use the equation Px + q = r.

On the first day, Trina travels 24 miles, so P = 1 and r = 120. The equation becomes 1x + q = 120.

To find the value of q, we can subtract 24 from both sides of the equation, giving x + q = 96. Rearranging the equation, we have q = 96 - x.

Now we substitute the value of q in the original equation: x + (96 - x) = 120. Simplifying this equation, we get 96 = 120.

This equation is not true, which means there is no solution to this problem. Therefore, it is not possible to divide the remaining 96 miles equally over the three days.