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Short quiz in Prof Ed 8 : Model of technology enhance instructional Lessons
1.It is a webpage that you need to create and where you can write and post your ideas.
2.Another tool that can be accessed online and suited for sharing information or content and can allow engagement of students.

3.Students can chat with peers, post a reply in a blog and contribute a comment to the let thread flow.

4.Students can collate a digital portfolio or commonly known as an ePortfolio or create a virtual poster or an interactive resource.

Determine whether the given situation falls under contributor, collaborators, creators. (2 pts each)

5. Students collaborate to create creative presentation through web conference.

6 . The teacher ask for a make up class to assign their final task.

7. Students were asked to post their video projects for other students reference.

Answer each question correctly

5. Collaborators - The students are working together to create a creative presentation through web conference.

6. Contributors - The students are contributing to the make-up class by completing their final task.

7. Contributors - The students are contributing to the class by posting their video projects for other students' reference.