What is the purpose of international groups like the UN and NATO?

To force countries to follow laws
To encourage cooperation between countries
To help foreign countries
To help the United States

The purpose of international groups like the United Nations (UN) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is primarily to encourage cooperation between countries. These organizations aim to address global challenges, facilitate dialogue and negotiations, promote peace and security, coordinate humanitarian efforts, and foster economic and social development among member nations.

The United Nations, for example, brings together representatives from nearly all countries to discuss and address common problems such as conflicts, economic disparities, climate change, and human rights violations. It aims to facilitate peaceful resolutions and promote global cooperation in these areas.

NATO, on the other hand, is a military alliance primarily focused on collective defense and ensuring the security of its member states. It was originally formed in response to the cold war and the potential threat from the Soviet Union. NATO members commit to defending each other in the event of an armed attack, thereby promoting regional stability and deterrence.

While international groups like the UN and NATO may indirectly benefit certain countries, their primary purpose is not specifically to help any one country, including the United States. Their goals and actions are aimed at promoting global peace, security, and cooperation for the betterment of all member nations.