I’m what order does a dynasty gain and lose power in the Mandate of Heaven?

In the Mandate of Heaven, the rise and fall of dynasties follows a cyclical pattern. Here is the general order in which a dynasty gains and loses power:

1. Foundation: A new dynasty rises to power and establishes its authority, often after overthrowing the previous ruling dynasty. This is usually achieved through a successful military campaign or rebellion.

2. Consolidation: The new dynasty works on consolidating its power by establishing new administrative systems, implementing reforms, and enforcing its laws. It strives to gain the acceptance and support of the people.

3. Prosperity: During this phase, the dynasty experiences a period of stability and economic growth. The ruler focuses on good governance, improving infrastructure, promoting cultural advancements, and expanding the empire's territory. This results in a flourishing economy, technological innovations, and artistic achievements.

4. Decline: Over time, the dynasty may become corrupt, inefficient, or face external threats. Mismanagement, natural disasters, wars, or economic crises can contribute to the decline of the dynasty. These factors gradually erode public support and create dissatisfaction among the people.

5. Loss of the Mandate of Heaven: The legitimacy and moral authority of the ruling dynasty are questioned when it fails to address the issues causing decline. Natural disasters, famines, or rebellions are often interpreted as signs that the ruling dynasty has lost the Mandate of Heaven. This belief holds that Heaven grants the ruler the authority to rule only as long as they serve the best interests of the people, and losing the Mandate means losing the right to rule.

6. Overthrow and Succession: If the dynasty loses the Mandate of Heaven, a period of instability and conflict ensues. Factions, rebel groups, or rival dynasties emerge and fight for power. This may lead to a new dynasty overthrowing the old one, with the victorious group ascending to power and starting the cycle over again.

This pattern repeats throughout Chinese history, with several dynasties rising and falling in adherence to the idea of the Mandate of Heaven.