How might an author develop a key concept about the benefits of recycling

1. by providing information on the environmental impacts of recycling
2. by instructing the reader to research recycling in their community
3. a chart showing what kinds of materials get recycled would not develop the key concept about how recycling is beneficial.
4. by detailing which neighborhoods recycle properly and which do not

3. a chart showing what kinds of materials get recycled would not develop the key concept about how recycling is beneficial.

This statement is correct. While a chart showing what kinds of materials can be recycled is informative, it does not directly develop the key concept about the benefits of recycling. Instead, it provides information on what can be recycled, but not why recycling is beneficial.

Options 1 and 4 are effective ways for an author to develop the key concept about the benefits of recycling. Providing information on the environmental impacts of recycling (option 1) helps readers understand how recycling positively affects the planet. Detailing which neighborhoods recycle properly and which do not (option 4) can demonstrate the positive impact of recycling in some communities and encourage others to follow suit.

Option 2, instructing the reader to research recycling in their community, can also contribute to the development of the key concept, as it encourages individuals to explore and learn about the recycling initiatives and facilities available near them, thereby understanding the benefits firsthand.