Calculate the distance between Cairo (30°n) and Durham (29°s)

To calculate the distance between two points on Earth given their latitudes, we can use the formula:

Distance = Radius of Earth * Arc Length

where the arc length is given by:

Arc Length = 2π * Radius of Earth * (Latitude / 360)

Let's assume the radius of Earth is approximately 6,371 kilometers.

For Cairo (30°N):
Arc Length of Cairo = 2π * 6,371 km * (30° / 360°) = 3,336 km

For Durham (29°S):
Arc Length of Durham = 2π * 6,371 km * (-29° / 360°) = -3,144 km

The distance between Cairo and Durham would be the sum of their arc lengths, taking into account the negative sign for Durham:

Distance = |Arc Length of Cairo| + |Arc Length of Durham| = 3,336 km + 3,144 km = 6,480 km.

Therefore, the distance between Cairo and Durham is approximately 6,480 kilometers.