which key features of the civilzations artifacts suggest an interpendence among cultures in the americas

a. the artifacts depict similar human and animals like features which suggests contact with one another and trading of religious ideas
b. the artifacts depict the types of animals pets and environment the civilizations worshipped which suggests contact with one another through trading species
c. the objects were made out of theh same materials which suggest that the civilzations were in close contact with each other
d. the artifacts depcite humans with the same featured hearddresses and human facial features which suggests contact based on cultural similarities and rituals

a. the artifacts depict similar human and animals like features which suggests contact with one another and trading of religious ideas

c. the objects were made out of the same materials which suggest that the civilizations were in close contact with each other
d. the artifacts depict humans with the same featured headdresses and human facial features which suggests contact based on cultural similarities and rituals