describe the hardships and indignities faced by the africans from the time of being captured and transported to the americas to their life as enslaved laborers in the americas

The trip was long and hard, many people was crowded in a small space, chained together and a bucket as a bathroom. Little food, old water and moldy bread was the best they got. Rats and bugs carried diseases, these killed of many before they could get of the boat. They were stuck under deck for the whole journey and many got seasick, I can only imagine how awful that was.

Hope this helps!!!

im gonna fail my quiz 😀🔫

yeah okay, the teachers are annoying but they spend their day helping us people who just wanna cheat. Also in ur answer just talk about anything that was hard for them.

you know writeacher you are no help at all you are just like ms sue no help we are looking for answers and you are not helping at all with that so if you are not going to help then just leave!!!

y'all aren't helpinggg just answer the question so I make a good grade yeah?😫

I mean I didn't come here to cheat or do homework I just clicked here to get the answer for my question.

AAAHH why yall arguing when one of yall could post an answer and help the others and when I say others I mean me

thank you hope, love and life

but what about the part about their life in the Americas?

no bts sucks

Bro bffr- 💀💀💀