Our town should double its fines for speeding. Studies show that higher fines result in less speeding, so increasing the fees should improve safety. There is no reason not to do this. If people can afford to pay a $50 fine, then surely they should be able to pay a $100 fine as well. How sound is the reasoning given to support the claim “Our town should double its fines for speeding”? Explain your response in 3 to 5 sentences. (4 points) like a 8th grader

The reasoning given to support the claim is somewhat sound. It is true that studies show that higher fines can result in less speeding, which could potentially improve safety. However, the argument does not take into account potential effects on lower-income individuals who may struggle to pay the higher fine. Additionally, it assumes that everyone who can afford a $50 fine can also afford a $100 fine, which may not be accurate. Therefore, while the reasoning has some merit, it is not entirely sound.