An illustrative diagram of a right circular cone sits elegantly on a blank surface. The cone is dimensioned with line segments and described with numerical values. A subtly curved line subtly indicate the slant height of the cone, measured to be 15 inches. A straight, horizontal line moving across the widest part of the cone from one point to another defines the diameter, valued at 12 inches. Lastly, a bold, vertical line through the center of the cone, extending from the base to the tip, represents the cone's height, marked as 14 inches. The image excludes any written text.

what is the height of the right circular cone?

Slant height = 15in
Diameter= 12in

The height of the right circular cone can be found using the Pythagorean theorem.

In a right circular cone, the slant height, height, and radius form a right triangle.

The diameter is equal to twice the radius, so the radius is 12in/2 = 6in.

Using the Pythagorean theorem:

(6in)^2 + height^2 = (15in)^2

36in^2 + height^2 = 225in^2

height^2 = 225in^2 - 36in^2

height^2 = 189in^2

Taking the square root of both sides:

height = √189in^2

Simplifying the square root:

height ≈ 13.74in

Therefore, the height of the right circular cone is approximately 13.74in.