How did the people know the Zhou leaders had heaven’s support?

The people believed that the Zhou leaders had heaven's support due to several reasons:

1. Mandate of Heaven: The concept of the Mandate of Heaven played a crucial role in legitimizing the Zhou rulers' authority. According to this belief, heaven bestowed its mandate on a ruler or dynasty, allowing them to rule the land. Any corruption, abuse of power, or natural disasters signaled that the ruler had lost their mandate, and another deserving ruler would emerge.

2. Divine Signs: The Zhou leaders often claimed to receive divine signs or oracles that indicated their rule was favored by heaven. These signs could be in the form of celestial occurrences, such as unusual astronomical events or supernatural phenomena, which were interpreted as heaven's approval for their leadership.

3. Sacrificial Rituals: The Zhou rulers performed elaborate sacrificial rituals to communicate with heaven and maintain their divine favor. They conducted ceremonies to honor ancestors and gods, offering sacrifices and prayers to ensure prosperity and harmony in the kingdom. The successful completion of these rituals was seen as a confirmation of their heavenly support.

4. Propaganda and Ideology: The Zhou leaders promoted their legitimacy through propaganda and ideological teachings. They emphasized the importance of moral conduct, wise governance, and adherence to the well-being of the people. By propagating these ideals, they sought to create harmony and cultivate a virtuous society, further reinforcing the notion of heavenly support for their rule.

5. Historical Narratives: The Zhou dynasty's rise to power was often attributed to their righteousness and ability to overthrow the tyrannical Shang dynasty. Historical narratives, oral traditions, and written records passed down from one generation to another helped reinforce the idea that the Zhou rulers were chosen by heaven to bring about a just and prosperous society.

Overall, the belief that the Zhou leaders had heaven's support was deeply ingrained in the cultural and religious beliefs of ancient China. The concept of the Mandate of Heaven and the various practices and rituals associated with it helped maintain the legitimacy and stability of the Zhou dynasty for centuries.