Zhou rulers claimed that they had won the Mandate of Heaven because they


A. had the support of the people.

To understand why Zhou rulers claimed that they had won the Mandate of Heaven, we should first establish what the Mandate of Heaven refers to.

The Mandate of Heaven is a concept in ancient Chinese philosophy and religion, particularly in Confucianism and Taoism. It is used to legitimize the rule of emperors and dynasties in China. According to this belief, Heaven (Tian) bestows the Mandate of Heaven upon an individual or a dynasty, granting them the authority to rule based on their virtue and ability to govern.

Now, returning to the question of why Zhou rulers claimed to have won the Mandate of Heaven, it is important to note that the Zhou dynasty (1046-256 BCE) succeeded the Shang dynasty. The Zhou rulers justified their overthrow of the Shang dynasty by claiming that the Shang rulers had lost the Mandate of Heaven due to their corruption, tyranny, and failure to fulfill their duties.

Therefore, the Zhou rulers claimed that they had won the Mandate of Heaven by demonstrating their moral and virtuous qualities, as well as their ability to bring order, prosperity, and good governance to the people. This claim was crucial to legitimizing their rule and gaining the support of the population.

established a strong centralized government.

The Zhou rulers claimed that they had won the Mandate of Heaven because they established a strong centralized government.