Which of the following should be done to both sides of the equation x + 11 = −17 to solve the value of x? (1 point)


subtract 11
subtract 11

add 17
add 17

subtract 17
subtract 17

add 11

subtract 11

What is the solution of the equation x + 23 = 9?(1 point)


negative 14

negative 32




Which of the following equations has a solution of −8?(1 point)


x − 10 = 2
x minus 10 equals 2

x + 3 = −11
x plus 3 equals negative 11

x − 8 = 0
x minus 8 equals 0

x − 4 = −12

x − 8 = 0

Which of the following should be done to both sides of the equation x − 3.41 = −19 to solve the value of x?(1 point)


subtract 3.41
subtract 3.41

subtract 19
subtract 19

add 19
add 19

add 3.41
add 3.41

add 3.41

Which of the following equations has a solution of −12?(1 point)


x + 12 = −1
x plus Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction equals negative 1

x + 1 = 12
x plus 1 equals Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction

x − 12 = 1
x minus Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction equals 1

x − 1 = −12

x + 12 = −1