Imagine a simple and clean classroom setting. In the scene, write on a large wooden chalkboard an equation -3 equals x divided by 4 plus 2. Below the equation, add four distinct 'steps', each represented with a different symbol: a 'minus' symbol, a 'multiply' symbol, a 'plus' symbol, and a 'divide' symbol. Each symbol needs to be subjective, mystical, and abstract. The image should not contain any specific numerical values associated with the steps. The overall tone should be academic yet engaging, appealing to a wide age range of students.

Identify the first step in solving this equation for x :  −3 = x/4 + 2 .

Subtract 2 from both sides
.Multiply both sides by 2.
Add 2 to both sides
.Divide both sides by 4.

Subtract 2 from both sides


My apologies for the mistake. The correct first step in solving the equation is to subtract 2 from both sides.

To solve the equation -3 = x/4 + 2 for x, the first step is to subtract 2 from both sides of the equation. This step helps to isolate the term containing x on one side of the equation.

Here's how you can do it:

-3 - 2 = x/4 + 2 - 2

Simplifying the left side:

-5 = x/4

After subtracting 2 from both sides, we are left with -5 = x/4. Now we can move on to the next step in solving the equation.

To solve the equation −3 = x/4 + 2 for x, the first step would be to subtract 2 from both sides of the equation.