Some good hero catchohrases

1. "With great power comes great responsibility."

2. "Not all heroes wear capes."
3. "Justice always prevails."
4. "Fear is just an illusion, courage is real."
5. "Saving the world, one day at a time."
6. "The strength of a hero lies in their heart."
7. "Heroes unite, villains beware!"
8. "I fight for justice and protect the innocent."
9. "Never underestimate the power of a hero."
10. "I'm here to save the day and make a difference."
11. "No challenge is too great for a true hero."
12. "In the face of danger, I won't back down."
13. "The world needs heroes, and I answer the call."
14. "My power is my purpose, my purpose is to protect."
15. "I may be one, but together we are unstoppable."
16. "Evil may try to conquer, but heroes will always triumph."
17. "I'll be the light in the darkest of times."
18. "My mission is to restore peace and harmony."
19. "Heroes never give up, even in the face of adversity."
20. "I am the hope this world needs."