A customer at a clothing store is buying a pair of pants and a shirt. The store is having a ​25%-off sale on all pants. The customer has a coupon for 10​% off her entire purchase. The coupon cannot be combined with any other​ offers, so she can choose only one option. Let n represent the original price of the pants and s represent the price of the shirt. Write two equivalent expressions for each option. If the original cost of the pants is ​$15 and the shirt is ​$12​, which option should the customer​ choose? Which two expressions represent the ​"​25%-off sale on all​ pants" option

Option 1: 25%-off sale on all pants

- Original price of pants: n
- Price of pants after discount: 0.75n
- Price of shirt: s
- Total cost before coupon: n + s

Option 2: 10% off entire purchase coupon
- Original price of pants: n
- Price of pants after coupon: 0.9n
- Price of shirt: s
- Total cost before coupon: n + s

To compare the two options, let's substitute the given values:
Original price of pants = $15
Price of shirt = $12

Option 1:
- Price of pants after discount: 0.75 * 15 = $11.25
- Total cost before coupon: 15 + 12 = $27.00

Option 2:
- Price of pants after coupon: 0.9 * 15 = $13.50
- Total cost before coupon: 13.50 + 12 = $25.50

Since $25.50 < $27.00, the customer should choose Option 2: 10% off entire purchase coupon.