Which of the following shows a difference between Sparta and Athenas select the three correct answers

1) Government: Sparta had a militaristic and oligarchic government, where power was held by a few elite citizens. Athens, on the other hand, had a more democratic form of government, where all citizens had the opportunity to participate in decision-making.

2) Education: In Sparta, education was primarily focused on military training and physical fitness, with a strong emphasis on discipline and obedience. Athenian education, on the other hand, had a broader focus, including subjects such as arts, literature, philosophy, and politics.

3) Women's Rights: In Sparta, women had more rights and freedoms compared to Athenian women. Spartan women had greater property and inheritance rights, and were encouraged to maintain physical fitness. Athenian women, on the other hand, had much more limited roles in society and were expected to focus on domestic duties.