A gas station is 12 Kilometers away. How far is that in miles? Assume 1 mile is 1.6 kilometers.

To convert kilometers to miles, we can use the conversion factor of 1 mile = 1.6 kilometers.

So, 12 kilometers is equal to 12/1.6 = <<12/1.6=7.5>>7.5 miles. Answer: \boxed{7.5}.

A rectangular floor is 21 feet long and 9 feet wide. What is the area of the floor in square yards?

To find the area of the rectangular floor in square yards, we need to convert the given measurements from feet to yards.

1 yard = 3 feet

So, the length of the floor in yards is 21 feet / 3 = 7 yards.

And the width of the floor in yards is 9 feet / 3 = 3 yards.

The area of the floor is then 7 yards * 3 yards = 21 square yards. Answer: \boxed{21}.

A cable is 7.9m long. How long is the cable in decimeters?

To convert meters to decimeters, we use the conversion factor of 1 meter = 10 decimeters.

Therefore, the length of the cable in decimeters is 7.9 meters x 10 decimeters/meter = 79 decimeters. Answer: \boxed{79}.

A coral reef grows 0.17 every week. How much does it grow in 6 weeks?

Write your answer in millimeters.

To find out how much the coral reef grows in 6 weeks, we multiply the growth rate per week by the number of weeks.

The growth rate is 0.17 millimeters per week.
So, in 6 weeks, it would grow 0.17 millimeters/week x 6 weeks = 1.02 millimeters.
Therefore, the coral reef grows 1.02 millimeters in 6 weeks. Answer: \boxed{1.02}.