If one is a political conservative, will CNN's coverage of the Obama administration seem biased or relatively fair and objective? Which news shows will a political conservative want to watch? Why?

Most of the time, CNN coverage seems to be fair. However, Lou Dobbs has leaned to the ultra conservative right on the question of where President Obama was born.


Yes but this does not answer the question. Would you agree that CNN and all the mainstream media handle Obama and his administration fairly? Would a conservative consider CNN or more FOX NEWS Channel for their coverage? I Fox why would this be?

Conservatives usually watch Fox News, while liberals prefer MSNBC. CNN has usually taken the middle ground.

I don't think it's a matter of fairness in most cases; it's more about emphasizing different opinions and aspects of Obama's policies. A bad economy and the health care issues are complex and each solution will favor some people and not others.

I suggest you spend a week or so watching the news on all three networks and make up your own mind about their fairness.

Folks like their basic biases and beliefs reinforced, if the views are not reinforced, anger, hostility ensue. Talk to a regular Rush Limbaugh listener for ten minutes to witness this.

If someone is a political conservative, they may perceive CNN's coverage of the Obama administration as biased. It is important to note that bias is largely subjective, and individual perceptions can vary. However, CNN is generally considered to have a more liberal lean in its coverage, which might be seen as unfavorable by political conservatives.

That being said, a political conservative may be more inclined to watch news shows that align with their ideological beliefs. Some popular news shows that cater to conservative viewers are:

1. Fox News: Fox News is one of the most-watched conservative news networks in the United States. It features a variety of conservative talk shows, such as "Hannity," "Tucker Carlson Tonight," and "The Ingraham Angle," which provide commentary from a right-leaning perspective.

2. One America News Network (OANN): OANN is a conservative news network known for its straightforward reporting and right-leaning commentary. It is often considered an alternative to mainstream media.

3. Newsmax TV: Newsmax TV offers news and opinion programming from a conservative standpoint, with shows like "Greg Kelly Reports" and "Rob Schmitt Tonight."

Conservatives may prefer these news shows because they often provide a perspective that aligns more closely with their own political beliefs. However, it's important for individuals to consume news from a variety of sources to gain a more well-rounded understanding of current events and different viewpoints.