On Monday, John ran for 3 1/4 miles. On Tuesday, he ran for 2 3/8 miles. How many miles did he run in total over the two days?

To solve this problem, we can simply add the distances John ran on Monday and Tuesday.

John ran for 3 1/4 miles on Monday, and 2 3/8 miles on Tuesday.

To add these two fractions, we'll need to find a common denominator.

The prime factors of 4 are 2 times 2.

The prime factors of 8 are 2 times 2 times 2.

So, the smallest number that 4 and 8 both divide into without any remainders is 8.

3 1/4 is equivalent to 3 + 1/4 which is equivalent to 3 + (1 * 2)/(4 * 2) which is equivalent to 3 + 2/8.

So, 3 1/4 is equivalent to 3 2/8.

Therefore, 3 1/4 is equivalent to 3 2/8.

3 2/8 + 2 3/8 = 5 5/8.

Therefore, John ran 5 5/8 miles in total over the two days. Answer: \boxed{5\frac{5}{8}} \text{ miles}.