How did the Japanese imperial court system of appointing government officials lead to the rise of the Fujiwara family?

please simplify it into 3 sentences

The Japanese imperial court system appointing government officials was based on the principle of hereditary positions. This allowed powerful families like the Fujiwara to consolidate influence over time. As the Fujiwara gained control of key positions within the government, they became the de facto ruling class and amassed great wealth and political power, eventually leading to their rise as the most powerful family in Japan.

can you make that way easier and more casual please? I don't understand. Use simpler words😁

Sure! In Japan, the imperial court system chose government officials based on family connections, meaning positions were passed down through generations. The Fujiwara family took advantage of this system by getting their relatives appointed to important roles. Over time, they gained more and more influence, becoming the most powerful family in Japan with lots of money and political control.