Mana has to spend 5 1/8 hours to finish her community service program in a community health clinic. Last week, she was able to spend 3 3/4 hours Which equation can be used to determine the number of hours, h, that Maria still needs to spend to complete her service program? (1 point)

h + 5 1/2 = 3 3/4

h + 3 3/4 = 5 1/2

h - 3 3/4 = 5 1/2

h - 5 1/2 = 3 3/4

To determine the number of hours (h) that Maria still needs to spend to complete her service program, we need to subtract the time she has already spent (3 3/4 hours) from the total time required (5 1/8 hours).

The equation that can be used is:

h = 5 1/8 - 3 3/4

Simplifying the right side:

h = 41/8 - 15/4

Finding a common denominator:

h = 41/8 - 30/8

Subtracting the fractions:

h = 11/8

Therefore, the correct equation is h = 11/8, which means that Maria still needs to spend 11/8 hours to complete her service program.