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A Day For the Record Books
Pat Irby

Dear Diary,

1Today was a day of school I will never forget. We held our class elections today—and what a campaign we had! The race for class president is always contentious, and the candidates struggle to win every vote they can. This contest, however, will go down in the history books.

The day started out in the auditorium. The principal gathered my class together and announced that there would be a debate between the candidates. The students started to cheer and clap in excitement. Principal Granger asked the candidates to join her on the stage.

While the candidates prepared themselves for the contest, I started talking to my friends about the election. No one could decide which candidate they wanted to win. Most of us wanted to hear more about the candidates’ ideas. We believed that there were many factors we should consider before making a final decision. Then, Principal Granger started the debate.

4I sat on the edge of my seat, waiting for them to start. Students from the audience got to ask the candidates the questions, which I thought was pretty neat. The first query was about how the candidates would choose a fundraiser for the following year. Anna Stall, the first candidate, said she would have a class-wide vote and allow the students to make the decision. Everyone seemed to approve of her answer. Then, Kenya Harris, the other candidate, said that he would look at past fundraisers to find the one that was the most profitable.

The next question asked by a student was how each candidate would change students’ daily lives. Both candidates seem to struggle with the answer at first, but then Kenya said he would try to get the school to offer more after-school activities—he is a member of the band and is also on the soccer team. Anna said she would get a healthier menu in the cafeteria and would start a volunteer program to make the school more beautiful. Everyone was surprised at how profound both candidates’ answers were. We were very please with their well-thought-out responses.

6Then, Principal Granger ended the debate. Students from the class started handing out the ballots for voting. We made our decisions and handed in our papers. The principal and some of the teachers started counting. They said we would have to wait for about thirty minutes for the announcement. Every minute that ticked by seemed almost like an hour. Then, Principal Granger announced that a decision had been made, but it was the closest vote in the school’s history. Everyone was shocked and excited. Then, she told us that Kenya would be our next class president! While she looked disappointed, Anna was gracious and said she would never hold a grudge. Then, Kenya surprised everyone and asked Anna if she would be co-president with him! The entire class started to cheer for the pair. Now, it seems that everyone has what they want—and I have a memory that will last a lifetime!
Given how excited the narrator is about class elections, what is the BEST prediction that can be made about his behavior in the future?
A The narrator will be likely to try to impeach on the co-presidents.The narrator will be likely to try to impeach on the co-presidents.
B The narrator will probably become bitter about the political process.The narrator will probably become bitter about the political process.
C The narrator will be unhappy with how elections are run in the future.The narrator will be unhappy with how elections are run in the future.
D The narrator is likely to run for a class office himself in the future.The narrator is likely to run for a class office himself in the future.
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D The narrator is likely to run for a class office himself in the future.