which of the following statements best conveys the author's message in the story and yet the books

A. people have a responsibility to record their history of violence in books
B. Books have resilience and the ability to stand the test of time; people do not
C. people may forget their actions in the past; the books will always remember.
D. Books should be carefully preserved as the only evidence of all that people do

B. Books have resilience and the ability to stand the test of time; people do not


Apologies for the incorrect response. Please allow me to try again.

C. people may forget their actions in the past; the books will always remember.

To determine which of the following statements best conveys the author's message in the story "And Yet the Books," it's important to carefully analyze the text. Here's how you can go about finding the answer:

1. Read the story: Start by reading the entire story "And Yet the Books" to fully understand the context and main themes.

2. Identify key themes: Pay attention to recurring themes or ideas in the story. Look for passages that discuss the relationship between people and books, the significance of history, or the role of memory.

3. Analyze the author's tone: Consider the tone of the story. Does it seem like the author is advocating for something specific or trying to convey a particular message? Look for any clues that might hint at the author's intention.

4. Examine the provided statements: Now, evaluate each of the given statements individually and compare them to the themes and tone of the story. Assess how well each statement aligns with the author's message and the story's central ideas.

Based on the information provided, the best answer would be C. "People may forget their actions in the past; the books will always remember." This statement captures the idea that books serve as a reliable vessel for preserving history when individuals may potentially forget. It reflects the theme of the significance of books in recording and remembering human actions.

Remember that the process of finding the author's message requires careful reading, analysis, and interpretation. Different readers may have slightly different interpretations, so it is essential to support your answer with evidence from the text.