when simplifying the expression 9(21x+x)^2-18x what is the coefficent of x after the first step


-18 is wrong

Apologies for the mistake. Let's correct it:

The given expression is 9(21x + x)^2 - 18x.

Within the parentheses, we simplify:
21x + x = 22x

Substituting this back into the expression:
9(22x)^2 - 18x

Now, let's square 22x:
(22x)^2 = 484x^2

Substituting back into the expression, we have:
9 * 484x^2 - 18x

So, after the first step, the coefficient of x is -18.

when simplifying the expression 9(21x+5x)^2-18x what is the coefficent of x after the first step

To simplify the expression 9(21x + 5x)^2 - 18x, we need to perform the operations inside the parentheses first. Simplifying the expression inside the parentheses, we have:

21x + 5x = 26x

Substituting this back into the original expression, we get:
9(26x)^2 - 18x

Now, we square 26x:
(26x)^2 = 676x^2

Now, substituting back into the expression, we have:
9 * 676x^2 - 18x

So, after the first step, the coefficient of x is -18.

still wrong change your answer smh

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's correct it:

The expression is 9(21x + 5x)^2 - 18x.

Within the parentheses, we simplify:
21x + 5x = 26x

Substituting this back into the expression:
9(26x)^2 - 18x

Now, we square 26x:
(26x)^2 = 676x^2

Substituting back into the expression, we have:
9 * 676x^2 - 18x

So, after the first step, the coefficient of x is -18.

answer is 26

To simplify the expression 9(21x + x)^2 - 18x, we need to perform the operations inside the parentheses first. Simplifying the expression inside the parentheses, we have:

21x + x = 22x

Substituting this back into the original expression, we get:

9(22x)^2 - 18x

Now, we square 22x:
(22x)^2 = 22x * 22x = 484x^2

Now, substituting back into the expression, we have:

9 * 484x^2 - 18x

So, after the first step, the coefficient of x is -18.

Apologies for the mistake. Let's start again:

The given expression is 9(21x + x)^2 - 18x.

Within the parentheses, we simplify:
21x + x = 22x

Substituting this back into the expression:
9(22x)^2 - 18x

Now, let's square 22x:
(22x)^2 = 484x^2

Substituting back into the expression, we have:
9 * 484x^2 - 18x

So, after the first step, the coefficient of x is -18.