Simplify (-24x^3+18x+6)/(6x+3)


I need a bit help on this. I don't know how to do it. I think the first step is divide 18x+6 with 6x+3 and 6x+3 divide by 6x+3.

Am I on the right track? Please help

know the answers to the full connexus test?

Dividing just part of the numerator won't get you very far.

In cases like this, your best bet is to look for common factors. The denominator is very simple, so you should look for a factor of (2x+1) in the numerator.

(-24x^3+18x+6) = -6(4x^3-3x-1) = -6(x-1)(2x+1)^2
so now your expression becomes
-6(x-1)(2x+1)^2 / 3(2x+1) = -2(x-1)(2x+1) = -4x^2+2x+2

2k people saw this and it was posted In 2019 and yet nobody had the answers?....

tell em lmaoo

does some one have the answers to the whole test

do you guys have the test answers?

plz help with the answers plz

I’ll post them when I finish it.

The slurp can you please post the answers.

1. 18x^2 + 6 + 4x - 15x^2 - 4 + 13x

A; 3x^2 + 17x + 2

2. 4x^2 + 4 - 5x + x - 2x^2 + 8
D; 2x^2 - 4x + 12

3. 4x^2 + 8x - 11x + 6 - 5x^2 + 2
A; -x^2 - 3x + 8

4. Coefficient of x in the expression -5x - 4x^2 + 9
B; -5

5. (m^2 - m - 4) + (m - 5)
D; m^2 - 9

6. (7x^2 - x - 2) - (-6x^3 + 3)
A; 6x^3 + 7x^2 - x - 5

7. Total earnings when adding 7t - 1 and 8t + 5
D; 15t + 4

8. f^2 * f^3
A; f^5

9. 64^10/64^5
D; 64^5

10. x^11/x^4
A; x^7

11. 4^4 * a^10
A; 4^14

12. 2^2 * 2^22
D; 2^24

13. 3^4/3^4
C; 1

14. 3^3/3^6
A; 1/27

15. (8 * 10^3) (7 * 10^5) in Scientific notation
B; 5.6 * 10^16

16. (2.2 * 10^-3) (4 * 10^-2) in Scientific notation
D; 8.8 * 10^-5

17. 7t^4 * 7t^4
A; 49t^8

18. -6(4x + 9)
D; -24x - 54

19. 4k^2(-3k^2 - 4k + 5)
A; -12k^4 - 16k^3 + 20k^2

20. (-8x) * 3x^2
C; -24x^3

21. (5y^2 - 2y) + (9y^2 - 9y)
C; 14y^2 - 11y

22. and 23. will most likely be different, so do them yourself.

Note that my answers are for the Connections Academy California students, and that each question may vary from student to student in order to prevent cheating, so check if your question matches mine first before inputting your answers.

If you are still stuck, I would recommend using Demos or the Symbolab calculators—especially the latter. Hope this helps any future 7th grade Math students!