A farmer sells apples at a local market. The farmer sells 5 baskets of apples on the first day and then sells 3 more baskets each day after that. After 7 days, the farmer has sold a total of 26 baskets of apples. How many baskets of apples did the farmer sell each day?

Let's say the number of baskets sold on each day after the first day is x.

On the first day, the farmer sold 5 baskets.
From the 2nd day to the 7th day, the farmer sold 3 more baskets each day, a total of 3*6 = <<3*6=18>>18 baskets.
In total, the farmer sold 5+18 = <<5+18=23>>23 baskets in 7 days.
If the total number of baskets sold in 7 days was 26, then the farmer sold an additional 26-23 = <<26-23=3>>3 baskets on the 7th day.
Since the farmer sold 3 more baskets on the 7th day, they sold 5+3 = <<5+3=8>>8 baskets on the 7th day.
The farmer therefore sold x = 8 - 3 = <<8-3=5>>5 baskets on each of the 2nd to 6th days. Answer: \boxed{5}.