Create an image of a vibrant local farmer's market scene. Emphasize a stall abundantly filled with fresh, shiny apples, tagged with a price sign declaring '$1.25 per pound'. Folks of varied descents like Asian, Black, and Hispanic, of mixed genders are seen shopping around, inquiring, and inspecting the produce. Keep the marketplace lively with soft golden sunlight illuminating the bustling scene and colorful arrays of fruits and vegetables spread out on other stalls. Remember, no text should appear in the image.


Apples at the local farmer's market cost $1.25 per pound.

Write a function rule f​ that gives the total cost of apples in terms of the number of pounds, x.

The function rule f that gives the total cost of apples in terms of the number of pounds, x, can be written as: f(x) = 1.25x.