What are 3 STRENGTHs and 3 witness


1. Good communication skills: I am able to articulate my thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing. This allows me to communicate with others in a confident and persuasive manner.
2. Problem-solving abilities: I am skilled in identifying and analyzing problems, and finding practical and creative solutions. I am able to think critically and make well-informed decisions.
3. Strong work ethic: I am highly motivated and dedicated to my work. I am willing to put in the extra effort to ensure tasks are completed to the best of my abilities and meet high standards.

1. Procrastination: Occasionally, I struggle with procrastinating tasks, especially if they are challenging or require a lot of time and effort. I am aware of this weakness and continuously work on improving my time management and prioritization skills.
2. Perfectionism: I have a tendency to strive for perfection in my work, which can sometimes lead to spending excessive time on a task and feeling unsatisfied even with good results. I am learning to strike a balance between high standards and efficiency.
3. Public speaking: Although I have good communication skills in general, I often feel nervous and anxious when it comes to public speaking or presentations. I am actively working on building my confidence in this area through practice and seeking opportunities to improve my public speaking abilities.