Convert 5/8/12 to an improper fraction. Write your answer in simplest form.

To convert the mixed number 5 8/12 to an improper fraction, we first need to convert the whole number part into a fraction with the same denominator as the fraction part.

Since there are 12 parts in 1 whole, we can write the whole number 5 as 5/1.

Now, let's add the fractions together:

5/1 + 8/12

To do this, we need to find a common denominator. The denominator of 8/12 is already 12, so we don't need to change it. For the whole number 5/1, we can multiply both the numerator and denominator by 12:

5/1 * 12/12 = 60/12

Now we can add the fractions:

60/12 + 8/12 = 68/12

Therefore, the mixed number 5 8/12 as an improper fraction in simplest form is 68/12.