Convert 0.96 to fraction. The answer should be given in simplest form

To convert 0.96 to a fraction, we can write it as 96/100.

To simplify this fraction, we divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4:

96 ÷ 4 = 24
100 ÷ 4 = 25

Therefore, 0.96 can be written as 24/25 in simplest form.

To convert 0.96 to a fraction, we can start by noting that the decimal point separates the whole number part from the decimal part. In this case, the whole number part is 0 and the decimal part is 96.

Next, we need to determine the denominator of the fraction. Since there are two digits after the decimal point, the denominator will be 100 (because there are 2 decimal places).

To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we can write it as the numerator over the denominator. Therefore, we have 96/100.

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4.

Dividing 96 by 4 gives us 24, and dividing 100 by 4 gives us 25.

So the simplified fraction for 0.96 is 24/25.

To convert 0.96 to a fraction, we need to determine the place value of each digit after the decimal point.

The digit 9 is in the hundredth place, the digit 6 is in the thousandth place.

To convert the decimal to a fraction:
1. Count the number of decimal places, which in this case is 2.
2. Write the digits after the decimal point as the numerator of the fraction.
3. Write the number 1 followed by the same number of zeros as the decimal places as the denominator of the fraction.

Applying this to 0.96:
1. There are 2 decimal places.
2. The numerator is 96.
3. The denominator is 100 (as there are 2 decimal places), which simplifies to 1.

Therefore, 0.96 can be represented as a fraction as 96/100.

To simplify this fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 4 in this case.

96 ÷ 4 = 24
100 ÷ 4 = 25

Hence, the simplest form of 0.96 as a fraction is 24/25.