Which of these actions helpedchandragupta control his empire

1. Chandragupta Maurya established a vast network of spies and informants to gather intelligence and maintain control over provincial administration. This helped him keep a close eye on potential threats and maintain a tight grip on his empire.

2. He implemented an efficient bureaucratic system that included various levels of governance, such as central administration, regional governors, and local officials. This allowed for effective administration and control over the empire.

3. Chandragupta Maurya expanded the Mauryan Empire through military campaigns and conquests. By establishing dominance over neighboring kingdoms and territories, he solidified his control and expanded his empire's boundaries.

4. He centralized the economy by introducing standardized weights and measures, facilitating trade and taxation. This helped in maintaining economic control and ensuring revenue collection for the empire.

5. Chandragupta Maurya maintained a strong army and implemented strict military discipline. This not only ensured the security of his empire but also acted as a deterrent against any external or internal rebellion.

6. He adopted a policy of just and efficient governance, focusing on welfare measures for the people. This helped in garnering their support and loyalty, making it easier for him to control the empire.

Overall, Chandragupta Maurya's actions of establishing a spy network, efficient bureaucracy, military expansion, economic centralization, strong armed forces, and just governance played key roles in his ability to control his empire.