Which of these actions helped changragutpa control his empire?

A. He gave food to the areas he conquered
B. He trusted those who pledges their loyalty
C. He appointed government officials to carry out his orders
D. He lived simply and did not burden people with taxes

All of these actions helped Chandragupta control his empire.

You can only pick one

C. He appointed government officials to carry out his orders.

The lowest_, or social grouping based on skill, identified in the vedas was the _.

A. Jati; kshatryas
B.varna; Brahmins
C. Jati; vaishyas
D. Varna; sudras

D. Varna; sudras

Match siddharthas actions that led him to the middle way.

Life as Hindu prince-
Meditating under a bodhi tree-
Life with religious ascetics

A.life given to pleasure
B. Enlightenment
C. Life of suffering

- Life as Hindu prince: A. life given to pleasure

- Meditating under a bodhi tree: B. Enlightenment
- Life with religious ascetics: C. Life of suffering

According to the story’s is vedas, scholars believe the indi Ayrans were first live as…

B. Hunters
D. Gatherer’s

C. Herders

What help Hinduism spread