The urinalysis parameters sample

may include the following:

1. Color: This parameter assesses the color of the urine, which can indicate various factors such as hydration levels, the presence of certain medications or substances, or possible medical conditions.

2. Appearance: This parameter evaluates the clarity or turbidity of the urine, which can indicate the presence of sediments, cells, or other abnormal substances.

3. pH: This parameter measures the acidity or alkalinity of the urine, which can provide information about kidney function or the presence of certain metabolic disorders.

4. Specific gravity: This parameter measures the concentration of solutes in the urine and indicates the hydration status of an individual.

5. Protein: This parameter detects the presence of proteins in the urine, which can indicate kidney damage or other conditions affecting the urinary system.

6. Glucose: This parameter assesses the presence of glucose in the urine, which can indicate diabetes or other metabolic disorders.

7. Ketones: This parameter measures the level of ketones in the urine, which can indicate abnormal fat metabolism, such as in diabetes or fasting.

8. Blood: This parameter detects the presence of blood cells or hemoglobin in the urine, which can indicate various conditions affecting the urinary or reproductive systems.

9. Nitrites: This parameter detects the presence of nitrites in the urine, which can indicate a bacterial urinary tract infection.

10. Leukocyte esterase: This parameter measures the level of leukocyte esterase in the urine, which can indicate the presence of white blood cells in the urinary tract, indicating an infection.

These parameters are commonly analyzed in a urinalysis test to evaluate the overall health and function of the urinary system and identify any potential abnormalities or conditions.